Podcast: Beowulf and On the Genealogy of Morals
Discussion with Jill Fellows and Kevin McNeilly
The Genealogy of Morals
I’ve noticed an unsurprising trend on the blog posts for this book. It appears as though members of the class (including myself) do not take fondly to Nietzsche’s style of writing. I could write the entire post on how inconsiderate Nietzsche was in the delivery of his philosophical arguments and ideas. But I won’t do that, I’m sure […] Continue reading →
Nietzsche is definitely a tough read. It’s dense, ideas flying everywhere, and a sense of anti-everything pervades the three essays in “On the Genealogy of Morals”. His ideas of the anti-foundation, and the way his writing style is one which … Continue reading → Continue reading →
There’s no doubt that that Friedrich Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morals is, as its subtitle announces, “a polemic” (13). Nietzsche rages against Western (so-called) civilization and the palpable sense of claustrophobia, defeat, sickness, and enervation in which we find … Continue reading → Continue reading →
Nietzsche and How He Ruined My Weekend
I feel like Nietzsche has accomplished the difficult task of surpassing Plato as the most complex text we’ve read this semester. I may have made the false assumption that as the books came closer to our era, they would be more contemporary, and thus easier to comprehend. But it appears that once again, I am […] Continue reading →
Thoughts on Nietzsche
In my opinion, reading Nietzsche was a bit of a task for me. To be honest, I don’t really find much enjoyment in reading philosophical texts. Perhaps it’s just difficult for me to understand what the philosophers are trying to … Continue reading → Continue reading →
On the Genealogy of Morals
To start off this week I read the wrong book… So I’ll be catching up as quickly as possible. You could probably imagine my surprise. For a while I thought Nietzsche was Freud… you can feel the confusion for the first part of the lecture. So Freud is another blog for another week.
But alas, there […] Continue reading →
I found that understanding Nietzsche is as hard as spelling or pronouncing his name. Professor Jill, thank you so much for that lecture because I understand him… or at least kind of. Do I agree with Nietzsche though? WELL given … Continue reading → Continue reading →
Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals
Audio of lecture by Jill Fellows for the “Monster in the Mirror” theme
Thoughts on the Genealogy of Morals
After having some issues understanding some of Nietzsche’s ideas that he introduces in the book, I finished reading it and definitely found his ideas intriguing. I understand that the words “good” and “bad” can have very different meanings to different people, … Continue reading → Continue reading →