After not really enjoying “Foe”, reading “Watchmen” was what I needed. A classic comic book tale to sweep me away and let me wander through this eerily similar yet vastly different world created by Alan Moore. I’d already read most … Continue reading → Continue reading →
Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, Watchmen
Video of lecture by Kevin McNeilly for the “Monster in the Mirror” theme
SKDHFLASJHFLADJGF;LKAJSLFKJAS;LKFJASLKFJSDHFPOUAHTPOWUASFLKJAS;KJF;SDFs In other words………… Best. Book. Ever. (Okay, maybe not EVER, but you get my drift) Seriously, not joking, no kidding around, this book was fantastic. The best way to end off the ArtsOne reading list. I couldn’t believe how much emotional complexity there was in the characters. I couldn’t put this book down. I […] Continue reading →
The back cover of this states that this book changed an industry and challenged a medium, and I can believe it. This is a graphic novel written by someone who knows how to write graphic novels and drawn by someone who knows how to draw graphic novels. There is a near perfect amount and tone […]Continue reading →
Watchmen: Mediums and close-minded people.
What a grand finale. Watchmen is honestly one of the greatest pieces of literature I’ve ever read, and it just gets better and better upon each reading. Each chapter is so diverse and has so many existential ideas and thought provoking themes. What would the apparent presence of a deity do to our society? How […]Continue reading →
Heroism Grows Up
I think I could argue that there are more important statements about Life (with a capital L) in this novel, then in something by Rousseau or Hobbes. There is something about an actual story of people trying to achieve humanity. … Continue reading → Continue reading →
Watchmen, on Heroes and Monsters
After the horrible experience of reading Foe, I got to read Watchman. I had watched the movie prior to reading this book, but it didn’t give me the best picture. Lots of people have said they really liked Watchman, I … Continue reading → Continue reading →
When I first began reading “Watchmen,” I didn’t like it- and I didn’t want to admit it, because everyone I talked to said they liked it. Some even admitted being very excited to read it! Truth is, I found “Watchmen” … Continue reading →Continue reading →