What the heck are the “laws of nature” for Hobbes?
No, I don’t mean which laws of nature does he list–that’s easy. The first two, in Chapter 14, state: 1. Everyone should “endeavour peace” when it is possible to attain; if not, we can engage in “war.” 2. We should be willing to transfer our natural right to all things in the state of […] Continue reading →
Leviathan and Whatever Else
Woops, i’m a little late to the blogging party! Well, I can’t say I agree with Hobbes but granted, what I think he is trying to do is interesting. So what is he trying to do? Well for one, there is a point that if lets say, I’m disputing with you about… What is […] Continue reading →
Hobbes: Make up your mind!
I’m going to say it now, I have not finished the assigned chapters at the time of writing this post. But so far I believe I have a general idea. Today’s lecture by Dr. Robert Crawford was very interesting, and … Continue reading → Continue reading →
Um? Leviathan
Ok so I still don’t fully understand Leviathan, but so far this is the most interesting of the philosophical books we’ve read so far, in my opinion. Although, there are a couple ideas that I don’t full agree with (probably … Continue reading → Continue reading →
Um? Leviathan
Ok so I still don’t fully understand Leviathan, but so far this is the most interesting of the philosophical books we’ve read so far, in my opinion. Although, there are a couple ideas that I don’t full agree with (probably … Continue reading → Continue reading →
Well, I can surely say that I found the argument in Leviathan much more compelling than anything Plato sent out on in The Republic. I am not saying I adored this book or anything, I just thought it went a bit deeper than The Republic did. I did however, find a few comparisons between the texts. One […] Continue reading →
Hobbes Leviathon
Every fairy tale and epic adventure looks at fear a different way. However in most cases they believe that fear must be embraced in order for the protagonist (reluctant hero or wannabe Hercules) to fulfill his eventual destiny – involving … Continue reading → Continue reading →
Hobbes’ Leviathan
I’d heard about Hobbes and his Leviathan in my politics class last year, and it was definitely not quite what I was expecting. I was thinking it would be very pessimistic and about the evilness of humanity, which I was … Continue reading → Continue reading →
Alright, so for me, Leviathan was a pretty interesting read. To be completely honest, I haven’t really developed a full opinion on it. Speaking on the book generally, I think that it was intriguing—yes, but without a doubt, DEFINITELY dull … Continue reading → Continue reading →
Leviathan: Well we’re in one… kind of
In Leviathan Hobbes puts forward a number of views and arguments that do make logical sense and some that appeal to us, but also seem repulsive. One might think the type of government he supports is almost like a Nazi … Continue reading → Continue reading →