Things Fall Apart
Chinua Achebe’s classic novel Things Fall Apart (1958) is often seen as a riposte to European representations of African life and culture, not least for instance Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, which Achebe memorably described as the work of “a … Continue reading Continue reading
Things Fall Apart, Heart of Darkness, Apocalypse Now
I know it doesn’t matter whether or not I write any more blogs posts since yesterday was the last lecture and Arts One is for the most part, over. However, I’ll take it upon myself that I admit writing these blogs have been a (bit – not entirely) a chore. However, I find a certain […] Continue reading →
Because this is so late, just thoughts on Apocalypse Now
First, sorry this is extremely late; I forgot the fact that the movie was still in fact something we were studying and thus we would have to write a blog post for it still. So since this is so late, … Continue reading → Continue reading →
After having watched Apocalypse now (redux version) I couldn’t help but think of the true reality that occurred during the war. Lies most often overwhelmed these soldiers without them even knowing it and deviated them from a path of reality … Continue reading →Continue reading
“French Girl – Do you know why you can never step into the same river twice? Willard – Yeah, ’cause it’s always moving.” – Apocalypse Now Coppola’s “Apocalypse Now” can be interpreted as a modern update on Homer’s “Odyssey.” Both involve journeys of a protagonist on a body of water. The river takes Willard deeper and deeper […]Continue reading →
“French Girl – Do you know why you can never step into the same river twice? Willard – Yeah, ’cause it’s always moving.” – Apocalypse Now Coppola’s “Apocalypse Now” can be interpreted as a modern update on Homer’s “Odyssey.” Both involve journeys of a protagonist on a body of water. The river takes Willard deeper and deeper […]Continue reading
Paradox Now
Considering that I’ve only just managed to finish watching the film today, I feel like now I’m better able to write a (good) blog post. So here it goes. I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming number of hypocrises, contradictions and ironies dispersed throughout the movie. Most notably in the extreme hypocrisy of the American […] Continue reading →
Bye bye!
So here goes my last blog post of the year :)/:( I can’t decide if I’m happy or sad to have this first year almost done with. I’ve definitely enjoyed arts one and even though complaining is fun, I’ve actually … Continue reading → Continue reading →
This is the End… for now.
It seems many moons ago, that I first set pen to paper (not literally), to write my not-so magnanimous debut in University writing. Alas, time flies faster than the rain falls, and as all things must come to an end, … Continue reading → Continue reading →
To get lost is to learn the way
The above is a proverb of African origin, though I don’t know where exactly it’s from. I’m writing this at 4AM after much wrestling with no, that’s an unnecessary aside. I will probably get lost while writing this, and that’s… okay. When I began reading Things Fall Apart, what immediately struck me was the prevalence of […] Continue reading